West End Residential Development feasibility

West End aerial courtesy of Google

Vesi were requested to complete a detailed preliminary feasibility review of options for two adjacent character infill (CR2) residential sites in West End.   Each house sat over lots comprising 607m2 with a 15m frontage, resulting in a total combined site of 1214m2 and a 30m frontage.    Feasibility and architectural advice in relation to a number of options was provided, including in relation to likelihood of full or partial demolition approval, potential reconfiguration into three or four street-front lots, reconfiguration to create a rear site for a home or townhouses, and sale of one or both of the existing properties in their current state or renovated.   Our analysis was utilized by the owners in making a decision for the properties, taking into account their individual circumstances, including Capital Gains liability differences in relation to each property.

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