Sunshine Coast House

Living-verandah After Renovation
Living-verandah After Renovation

Vesi assisted in assessing, prioritizing and implementing the best option for the owners of this residential property located on Queenland’s Sunshine Coast. The property is located one block from the beach.  Broad options for the property included minimal work utilizing the landlord’s insurance payout to bring the property up to lettable standards; also addressing some ongoing maintenance issues; addressing all damage and maintenance matters whilst also reviewing cost-effective potential changes; and also potential demolition and rebuilding. Sale of the property was not a consideration.

Vesi assessed the cost/ benefit of the range of options in conjunction with the clients.   The client’s personal intentions for the property created the framework for the assessment of the best option for the property.   After a review of the clients’ personal goals it was decided to upgrade the property cost-effectively with consideration of improving the internal layout of the property with some simple changes, whilst addressing all damage and maintenance issues.   Being jointly owned by a number of family members, it was decided to retain the property as a beach house for personal use, whilst allowing for potential letting if required.   Limiting cost expenditure and ‘bang for buck’ was an important consideration as the property was not the primary residence.

The upgrade was completed cost effectively and provided a large three-bedroom plus multipurpose room, ‘single-loaded’ cross-ventilated two-storey beach home, for a fraction of the cost of building new. Minor changes to the internal layout opened up the living areas to each other and the verandah, and resolved problems of circulation through the kitchen and proximity of the bathroom and toilet to the kitchen. Water penetration issues were rectified, internally new kitchen and bathrooms were provided, and GPOs, lighting, door hardware and windows were replaced throughout.

For this project the clients chose to engage Vesi for full project management and architectural services, including feasibility assessment, concept design, detailed design, construction documentation, tendering and full Construction Administration services. The redevelopment was featured in a Sunshine Coast property publication.   For other relatively small project such as this, Vesi’s role can also be limited to assessing options for the property, including alternative concepts, and assessing relative feasibility of those options.

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