
Vesi offer property development advisory and design services tailored to your specific needs, from preliminary detailed feasibility reviews, to full development/project management services and architectural services. If you have a site or are intending to acquire a site, and require a professional review of its development potential, we are here to help. Services provided include;

  • Site feasibility assessment
  • Subdivision design and coordination
  • Pre-purchase preliminary feasibility reviews
  • Pre-sale advice on cost-effective modifications
  • Concept development
  • Site testing and preliminary design for prelodgement meetings with Council (fast turnaround)
  • Architectural Services (partial or full-service)
  • Highest and best use review
  • Site due diligence
  • Consultant team assembly and coordination
  • Marketing coordination
  • Contractor procurement and negotiation
  • Sales contract coordination
  • Development and project management through to project completion