Client Results

Our clients benefit directly from the value generated by our advice, which significantly exceeds their investment in our services.

Our integrated approach is based on research and analysis combined with a depth of planning understanding and design expertise.

Whether reviewing the potential of a 20+ storey tower site, or how to maximise the return from a single residential property, Vesi maximises value for our clients through a systematic process of informed review.  Our clients commercially benefit from our independent advice through;

  • Determining the best option for their property prior to committing to a course of action
  • Informing their decision making in the assessment of potential property acquisitions
  • Achieving improved yield on new or existing design and development proposals through our project review process
  • Obtaining advice from a single source which is integrated with the advice of expert planning consultants, builders and other specialists
  • A smooth transition from determining the best use of a particular property to delivery of the project through our project management and architectural services

Specific examples of client results include;

  • Achieving Development Approval for an owner where they were unable to obtain the necessary permissions and approvals themselves
  • Conversion from a projected loss to a projected seven figure commercial profit after assessment and reconfiguration of an existing multi-residential scheme
  • Potentially saving the purchaser hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost equity by providing an understanding of the development potential and value of a property being considered for acquisition
  • Directly improving the potential returns from a project by reconfiguring the design of a large multi-residential development, to improve both yield and market appeal
  • Saving a client tens of thousands of dollars in redundant design work by determining a development and design strategy for their site that utilizes the value of an existing dwelling. The projected project profit was converted from marginal to a commercial level.

To see how we have added value to a range of client projects, please refer to Case Studies.