Client Subdivision M

We had originally approached the owner of this property with a view to purchasing the property for subdivision.   After some initial discussions we were unsuccessful in purchasing the property.   The owner sought to progress the subdivision themselves, however were unable to achieve a lawful point of discharge of stormwater through the downstream neighbour’s […]

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Project W Subdivision & Renovation

One of our own recent development projects, this project was a one-into-two lot subdivision in a Brisbane middle ring southside suburb where we retained a distinctive mid 1970s home.   Rather than demolish the home and create two equal lots, the retained home underwent major renovations, retaining its character whilst having an ensuite and bedroom […]

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Eight Mile Plains Townhouses

Vesi were asked to review the proposed masterplan and develop the associated building designs for a proposed large development of townhouses in Eight Mile Plains, for a multi-disciplinary property consulting business.   Whilst accommodating the requirements of a reduced site area due to an increased road resumption, Vesi were able to increase the project yield and also […]

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West End Residential Development feasibility

Vesi were requested to complete a detailed preliminary feasibility review of options for two adjacent character infill (CR2) residential sites in West End.   Each house sat over lots comprising 607m2 with a 15m frontage, resulting in a total combined site of 1214m2 and a 30m frontage.    Feasibility and architectural advice in relation to a number […]

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Rowlock Nundah Project

townhouses Rowlock Nundah project

    Vesi Developments were an equal investment partner in this residential development project, ‘Rowlock’, at Nundah. Jason Hedges performed the role of Development Manager, and Project Director, whilst an owner and Director at bureau proberts.  The site included an existing protected house, which was retained, refurbished and subdivided (freehold) from the original site.   New […]

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Holland Park Subdivision

Holland Park subdivision

Vesi were engaged to test the potential of the subdivision of a Holland Park corner lot. The site was zoned low density and would result in lots below minimum lot sizes required by the subdivision code.   Vesi prepared a concept subdivision plan, and drawings of the existing and proposed houses, to demonstrate the proposal would […]

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