Flood Resilient Building

There has been widespread flood damage to homes in Queensland and Northern NSW due to the recent 2022 rain event.   Where re-building or repairing in flood-affected areas, building back with resilience for future potential flooding in mind is imperative.   A simple to navigate and useful document to refer to if renovating in a […]

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Client Subdivision M

We had originally approached the owner of this property with a view to purchasing the property for subdivision.   After some initial discussions we were unsuccessful in purchasing the property.   The owner sought to progress the subdivision themselves, however were unable to achieve a lawful point of discharge of stormwater through the downstream neighbour’s […]

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Project W Subdivision & Renovation

One of our own recent development projects, this project was a one-into-two lot subdivision in a Brisbane middle ring southside suburb where we retained a distinctive mid 1970s home.   Rather than demolish the home and create two equal lots, the retained home underwent major renovations, retaining its character whilst having an ensuite and bedroom […]

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BCC Planning and building economic recovery initiatives in response to Covid-19

In response to the impact of Covid-19, Brisbane City Council is offering a range of free and discounted services, and financial incentives, from 1 July 2020.  These include; Application fee reductions. Dedicated House and Homes assessment team. Prompt advice via a new Building and Construction hotline – 133 PLAN (133 7526). Discounted ‘open door’ prelodgement meeting […]

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Brisbane’s Future Blueprint

Brisbane City Council recently released “Brisbane’s Future Blueprint: Eight principles and 40 actions to guide our city’s next exciting chapter”.  The document was the result of requests for feedback from Brisbane Residents.   The document is relatively broad ranging however many of the principles and actions are directly relevant to the development sector. Many of the […]

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BCC Neighbourhood Plan Changes 2018

There are a number of Brisbane City Council Neighbourhood Plans currently being amended, covering inner, middle ring and outer suburbs, which are expected to be adopted in 2018.   The following is a concise summary from Ken Ryan and Associates Planners. http://kenryan.net.au/industry-update/brisbane-city-council-new-neighbourhood-plans-expected-2018/ The information contained in this and other news items is obtained from a range […]

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Strong drop in residential property listings in Brisbane

SQM research released data this week indicating strong falls in the number of residential property listings nationally. Sydney and Melbourne led this, however Brisbane also had a significant drop in listings of 9.7% for the month.   Whilst SQM research partly attributed the drop to seasonal factors, the year-on-year reduction in listings has also been significant, […]

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Bushfire hazard assessment and Brisbane City Plan 2014

The Brisbane City Plan 2014 introduced a number of ‘overlays’ within the new planning scheme. These twenty-six overlays identify when applicable codes relate to a site, and cover a wide range of considerations from flooding to building heritage and character. The bushfire overlay addresses bushfire hazard. Many people living adjacent to natural parklands within Brisbane […]

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BCC Student Accommodation Charges Reduction

In late February 2015 Lord Mayor Graham Quirk announced a subsidy to incentivise the development of purpose-built and centrally located accommodation for students. There is a temporary three-year reduction in Council’s adopted infrastructure charges for student accommodation projects.   The reduction will only be available for development in areas already zoned medium and high density residential or […]

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